Julian Bond Blog

Desde chiquito me dijeron que yo era bueno con los números, pero lo mío no es tanto eso… sino que lo entiendo y lo explico en palabras súper simples para que todos podamos entender y hablemos el mismo idioma. Claro, yo sé perfectamente que esto de las inversiones y las finanzas pueden parecer complicado pero ¿sabes qué? No es necesario ser un gurú de Wall Street para entender la industria.

Mi filosofía de vida incluye un poco de riesgo, tirarme en paracaídas y bucear pero también me gusta estar tranquilo y disfrutar de las cosas sencillas de la vida. Mi filosofía de inversión se parece mucho a mí. Me di cuenta que esto de invertir y los numeritos no es para nada complicado. Lo único que hay que ser es disciplinado. Por eso decidí abrir este blog para que todos podamos entender cómo lograr nuestros sueños a través del ahorro y de las inversiones de la mano con JMMB. Pero no todo es “ahorros e inversiones”, también conversaremos sobre finanzas personales y la configuración optima de nuestras deudas.

Pero eso no es todo, cualquier pregunta que tengas, envía un correíto a info@jmmb.com.do o llama al 809.566.JMMB, que encantados de la vida te orientaremos y te contestaremos todas tus preguntas.

¡Bienvenido a mi blog!



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18 April 2022

Are Your Finances Retirement Ready?

Have you said to yourself “I want to retire now!?”  I think almost all of us have been there.

27 March 2022

Will You Pass on Generational Wealth or Generational Burden?

True or False:  Can the financial decisions you make today impact several generations to tomorrow?  

Richy Rich Junior was the same age as his friend Poor Paul Junior, and were both excited and proud that they each amassed J$2.5 million to purchase their first home. Then calamity struck; they both lost their dads.  The difference was that Richy Rich Senior had a property, cash as well as health and life insurance, but Poor Paul Senior did not. What they both left behind would impact their families for generations.

21 March 2022

Retirement Planning: When You Are 50 & Over

Whether you plan to spend your post-working years as a globe trotter, take up a new hobby, or just enjoy life; the opportunity to just march to your own beat is probably the most rewarding part of retirement. If you are 50 years or older, and have not taken any deliberate action towards ‘upping your retirement game plan’, you are not alone, reassured, Camille Steer, senior corporate manager, JMMB Fund Managers. The good news is, it is never too late to start planning, so do not panic; instead START now.

24 January 2022

Get Billionaire Benefits, Without a Billion Bucks!

It takes money to make money, and the more you have the more negotiating power your money gives you.  So, if you have J$100,000 how can you reap billionaire benefits?  Simply pool your money with other investors so the volume of funds can purchase assets at reduced prices and give you other billionaire benefits too.  Your answer is to invest in a unit trust.

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