Julian Bond Blog

Desde chiquito me dijeron que yo era bueno con los números, pero lo mío no es tanto eso… sino que lo entiendo y lo explico en palabras súper simples para que todos podamos entender y hablemos el mismo idioma. Claro, yo sé perfectamente que esto de las inversiones y las finanzas pueden parecer complicado pero ¿sabes qué? No es necesario ser un gurú de Wall Street para entender la industria.

Mi filosofía de vida incluye un poco de riesgo, tirarme en paracaídas y bucear pero también me gusta estar tranquilo y disfrutar de las cosas sencillas de la vida. Mi filosofía de inversión se parece mucho a mí. Me di cuenta que esto de invertir y los numeritos no es para nada complicado. Lo único que hay que ser es disciplinado. Por eso decidí abrir este blog para que todos podamos entender cómo lograr nuestros sueños a través del ahorro y de las inversiones de la mano con JMMB. Pero no todo es “ahorros e inversiones”, también conversaremos sobre finanzas personales y la configuración optima de nuestras deudas.

Pero eso no es todo, cualquier pregunta que tengas, envía un correíto a info@jmmb.com.do o llama al 809.566.JMMB, que encantados de la vida te orientaremos y te contestaremos todas tus preguntas.

¡Bienvenido a mi blog!



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24 March 2020

JMMB Pension Expert Shares Pointers for Retiring Early 

Jamaica’s pension coverage is significantly lower than its Caribbean neighbours, which boast between 50-60% of its labour force being covered by a pension scheme or retirement plan. Based on 2017 findings, approximately 16% of Jamaica’s labour force are covered by private retirement schemes and the government’s pension arrangements. This underscores the need for individuals to begin planning for their retirement, so as to avoid the pitfalls of having no preparations in place. 

23 March 2020

COVID-19 Financial Calamity or Bright Opportunity

How are you responding to the downturn in the financial markets since it ‘contracted’ COVID-19? Like Dane, your equity and bond portion of your portfolio may have lost tremendous value, since COVID-19 ‘infected’ the local and international financial markets. However, he is excited at the potential to grow his portfolio by leaps and bounds, through the opportunities created by COVID-19. He is looking to invest in ‘value stocks’ – i.e. companies that have been tried and proven, with a long-term timeframe, thereby  buying these stocks at a lower price than their true value, which is in keeping with his long-term financial objectives. Here is advice that you too can consider applying: 

23 February 2020

Your Investment Mate: Stocks or Unit Trusts? 

Do you want the satisfaction of seeing your money multiply?   The stock market has been booming, in fact, the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) has been ranked as the best performing stock exchange in the world in 2018. Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) have been issued in quick succession, with three (3) IPOs coming to market since the start of the year.  Stocks have become the ‘money magnets’. However, should you purchase individual stocks or should you buy into a unit trust fund that is largely invested in several stocks?  

24 November 2019

Do You Have a Goal or Do You Want to Make Money?

What are your financial goals? Neither Angie nor her friend Brian could answer, but they were sure they wanted to “make money.” “Guys, if you were going to bake, wouldn’t you need to know what you were going to bake, in order to know the ingredients, measurements and method of preparation?” I asked. “Of course! It could be the difference between a cake and toto!” Angie chuckled. Well it’s the same with your money.

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