Julian Bond Blog

Desde chiquito me dijeron que yo era bueno con los números, pero lo mío no es tanto eso… sino que lo entiendo y lo explico en palabras súper simples para que todos podamos entender y hablemos el mismo idioma. Claro, yo sé perfectamente que esto de las inversiones y las finanzas pueden parecer complicado pero ¿sabes qué? No es necesario ser un gurú de Wall Street para entender la industria.

Mi filosofía de vida incluye un poco de riesgo, tirarme en paracaídas y bucear pero también me gusta estar tranquilo y disfrutar de las cosas sencillas de la vida. Mi filosofía de inversión se parece mucho a mí. Me di cuenta que esto de invertir y los numeritos no es para nada complicado. Lo único que hay que ser es disciplinado. Por eso decidí abrir este blog para que todos podamos entender cómo lograr nuestros sueños a través del ahorro y de las inversiones de la mano con JMMB. Pero no todo es “ahorros e inversiones”, también conversaremos sobre finanzas personales y la configuración optima de nuestras deudas.

Pero eso no es todo, cualquier pregunta que tengas, envía un correíto a info@jmmb.com.do o llama al 809.566.JMMB, que encantados de la vida te orientaremos y te contestaremos todas tus preguntas.

¡Bienvenido a mi blog!



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15 September 2020

Your Financial Health Check

COVID-19 has had a widespread impact on our lives and exposed our vulnerabilities. It has left persons who had underlying conditions particularly susceptible to becoming ill.   It has also highlighted that many persons who thought they are financially secure truly are not. How financially healthy are you?  Do you need any ‘boosters’ to get you to your optimal financial health? First, let us start with you indicating your financial goals and how soon you would like to achieve these, by filling out the table below:

10 August 2020

Surprise! Your Dream House May Be More Affordable Than You Think

“Based on your age, the mortgage for that J$20 million property you really want would be approximately J$118,000 and it would be less if you are sharing that mortgage payment with someone else, since you could get a combined mortgage of J$13 million from the National Housing Trust (NHT), at a lower interest rate,” I said to Michael.  “Really, I thought it would have been more than that, now I can look to close on that deal!”  he exclaimed. 

27 July 2020

Budget-Friendly Summer Staycation Ideas

Thanks to the novel coronavirus aka ‘Ms. Rona’, summer 2020 will not look like any summer we’ve seen before. Even if you have cancelled overseas travel plans this year, now might be a great time to change things up, especially with stay at home orders lifted, the economy reopening and places of amusement, including beaches and movie theatres now open, though protocols are still in place. The added benefit is that the need to be ‘socially distant’ could help us to stick to our budget, as we have to maintain ‘social distance’ from some ‘money magnets.’ 

13 July 2020

Revive Your Financial Drive in 2020

We are half-way through what seems like a whirlwind 2020 already, and some people feel like the year has thrown them several curveballs back to back.  If this is true for you, the good news is that it is not too late to get back on track with a renewed financial drive, and today we want to help you to do just that. 

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