Julian Bond Blog

Desde chiquito me dijeron que yo era bueno con los números, pero lo mío no es tanto eso… sino que lo entiendo y lo explico en palabras súper simples para que todos podamos entender y hablemos el mismo idioma. Claro, yo sé perfectamente que esto de las inversiones y las finanzas pueden parecer complicado pero ¿sabes qué? No es necesario ser un gurú de Wall Street para entender la industria.

Mi filosofía de vida incluye un poco de riesgo, tirarme en paracaídas y bucear pero también me gusta estar tranquilo y disfrutar de las cosas sencillas de la vida. Mi filosofía de inversión se parece mucho a mí. Me di cuenta que esto de invertir y los numeritos no es para nada complicado. Lo único que hay que ser es disciplinado. Por eso decidí abrir este blog para que todos podamos entender cómo lograr nuestros sueños a través del ahorro y de las inversiones de la mano con JMMB. Pero no todo es “ahorros e inversiones”, también conversaremos sobre finanzas personales y la configuración optima de nuestras deudas.

Pero eso no es todo, cualquier pregunta que tengas, envía un correíto a info@jmmb.com.do o llama al 809.566.JMMB, que encantados de la vida te orientaremos y te contestaremos todas tus preguntas.

¡Bienvenido a mi blog!



Filter by date range
28 November 2018

Christmas Bonus: ‘Live Big’ Now OR ‘Achieve Big’ Later

“Wow! I earned 175%* on my investment.  My Christmas Bonus is now almost triple” Dwayne was ecstatic that he had curbed the  urge to splurge and ’live big,’ when he got a bonus five (5) years ago. He had instead invested J$100,000 (including his bonus) and now, he has J$275,000. “Cho man! If I had invested every bonus for the last five years, I could have a lump sum towards my down payment on my apartment. That would be achieving big,” he thought to himself.

11 November 2018

Home Equity Loan: Dollars & Good Sense

If, like Mark, you qualified for a home equity loan, unsecured loan and credit card loan, with rates of 9.5%, 25% and 50%, respectively per annum (p.a.),which one would make the most financial sense? Obviously, the one with 9.5% p.a., as you would pay less interest; therefore saving you the most dollars and making the most sense.  Recognizing this, Mark realised the equity in his home could be the exit to his debt-trap and the door to greater financial freedom.  

23 October 2018

The Insider’s Look: Choosing the Right Education Plan to Finance Your Child’s University Education 

Every parent wants the best for his/her child, and that includes financing your child’s education to attend his/her dream school. With the increasing cost of tuition, it can be daunting on any parent, to imagine how you will be able to afford giving your child the best higher education opportunity. This article gives you an expert perspective, in order to help to guide you in choosing the best education plan to finance your child’s university.

21 October 2018

Want to Earn Higher Returns?

“No, no, no! My money has been in a savings account for over five (5) years and I have not even earned 5% on my money!  This is less than inflation and the fees have eaten out everything,” Richard said upset.  Have you ever felt this way?  If you have, today we are going to explore: 1) why your savings account offers such low interest rates 2) how much money should you keep in your savings account; and 3) an easy way to earn more on the stock market, even if you do not have a lot of time or experience.

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