Julian Bond Blog

Desde chiquito me dijeron que yo era bueno con los números, pero lo mío no es tanto eso… sino que lo entiendo y lo explico en palabras súper simples para que todos podamos entender y hablemos el mismo idioma. Claro, yo sé perfectamente que esto de las inversiones y las finanzas pueden parecer complicado pero ¿sabes qué? No es necesario ser un gurú de Wall Street para entender la industria.

Mi filosofía de vida incluye un poco de riesgo, tirarme en paracaídas y bucear pero también me gusta estar tranquilo y disfrutar de las cosas sencillas de la vida. Mi filosofía de inversión se parece mucho a mí. Me di cuenta que esto de invertir y los numeritos no es para nada complicado. Lo único que hay que ser es disciplinado. Por eso decidí abrir este blog para que todos podamos entender cómo lograr nuestros sueños a través del ahorro y de las inversiones de la mano con JMMB. Pero no todo es “ahorros e inversiones”, también conversaremos sobre finanzas personales y la configuración optima de nuestras deudas.

Pero eso no es todo, cualquier pregunta que tengas, envía un correíto a info@jmmb.com.do o llama al 809.566.JMMB, que encantados de la vida te orientaremos y te contestaremos todas tus preguntas.

¡Bienvenido a mi blog!



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14 May 2018

Lessons From the World’s Best Investors

Would you rather learn from the world’s most experienced and knowledgeable investors or would you rather make all the successes and failures on your own?  Here are quotes from investors who have been there, done that, and may have even written a book about it.  There are also some great lessons to be learnt and takeaways for you, whether you are a big investor or small investor.  First, test your knowledge of the famous investment quotes and important takeaways.

19 April 2018

7 Stocks to Watch for 2018

Do you have three to six months of your expenses set aside in an emergency fund?  Do you have a long-term goal and are prepared to invest for up to 5 years?  Are you willing to take the potential risk that comes with investing in the stock market?  If you answered “yes” to all the above; then here are some good long-term stocks to consider for investment.  These stock recommendations have been provided courtesy of our JMMB Research team. 

13 March 2018

How Many Pay Cheques to Retirement?

How many pay cheques do you have left before you retire? To find out, multiply your number of working years left before you retire, by how often you receive your pay cheque; for example 27 years x 12 months = 324 pay cheques.  My personal number was my wake-up call and may be for you too. 

9 February 2018

How Much Debt is Okay?

Will you need a loan for your car, home or another major financial goal whether now or in the future? Would you prefer to pay a smaller amount on your current loans so that you can save more money? Your debt service ratio (DSR) is crucial to both scenarios.  So today we will explore your DSR and steps you can take to ensure it does not go beyond 45%; as most traditional financial institutions in Jamaica prefer to lend to individuals who have a DSR below 45%.

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